
Welcome to our St Augustine’s Curriculum

Our curriculum has recently been entirely redesigned by our skilled subject leaders. Rooted in the National Curriculum expectations with progression from EYFS to Y7, each subject has been carefully planned and sequenced to provide subject-specific knowledge and skills which foster an understanding and love of each individual area of learning. Teachers skilfully encourage the children to ‘think and link’ across all areas of the curriculum in order to fully embed their learning as a whole. Subject leaders also plan for opportunities to embrace diversity across the curriculum, whilst ways to support, scaffold and challenge are considered in every lesson.

We intend for pupils to know more and remember more with every lesson, thinking and linking their new learning with previous knowledge and skills in order to foster a broader and deeper understanding of the curriculum as a whole. We ensure that our pupils are given the exciting, real-life experiences they need to fully embrace new concepts and develop a life-long love of learning.

As part of our commitment to high quality learning experiences, Music, French, and PE are delivered weekly by staff with specialisms in these areas. We also have trained Forest School teaching assistants who plan for immersive, child-led outdoor learning experiences across the year

Children get off to a great start in our award-winning Early Years department, recognised by the Pearson National Teaching Awards with a ‘Certificate of Excellence. From the very start of their education and throughout their time with us, teachers endeavour to plan exciting, memorable learning opportunities, which foster curiosity, encourage confidence and embed a depth of knowledge, skills and understanding.

We set the highest expectations for pupil progress, attitudes to learning, welfare and behaviour. Our staff set challenging targets and encourage children to value aspirations and achievement, facilitating our pupils’ curiosity for learning and nurturing their talents. Senior leaders, teachers and support staff work together closely to regularly track progress and identify misconceptions and areas for development; this in turn informs and adapts day-to-day learning, medium term planning, support and challenge.

As an inclusive school, we work in partnership with parents and professionals to identify and support children with additional needs across the four areas of SEND. The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO) works closely with the class teachers and outside agencies to ensure that children’s needs are identified early, accurately assessed, carefully planned for and that progress is regularly reviewed. Parents are encouraged to engage with school as we support children through an individualised program. All children with SEND are fully integrated into school life and are educated within the classroom setting to ensure they have access to a full and broad curriculum.

Please click on the links below to see the long term plans for each year group:

EYFS Cedar Class

Year 1/2 Sycamore Class

Year 3 Olive Class

Year 4 Acacia Class

Year 5 Willow Class

Year 6 Juniper Class

Please see individual class pages for an overview of topics covered each term.

Click on the subject tabs on the left for information about the different curriculum areas, including our subject specific curriculum intent documents.

If you would like further information about the curriculum followed at our school please contact the school office on 01780 762094 or email: