Pastoral and Wellbeing Support
At St. Augustine’s we feel that the pastoral welfare of our children is the essential foundation on which learning can take place. Our dedicated pastoral team comprises of a SENCO, Family Support Worker, Three Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA) and our two nurture dogs, Bonnie and Baxter. We have a sensory regulation space and a wellbeing room which children can visit if they are feeling overwhelmed, need a quieter space to learn or if they need pastoral support or interventions. We are very proud of our dedication to pastoral care and know that our families and pupils feel respected, heard and well-supported.
Trips and Experiences
We believe that our children benefit significantly from visiting places of interest and we know these experiences will broaden children’s horizons and deepen their learning. We run regular trips to residential facilities, museums, galleries, theatres and sports venues. In addition, we aim to provide enriching workshops and regularly invite visitors to school, to further enhance our children’s experiences and complement our curriculum.
As a Catholic school we also regularly visit our parish church of St. Mary’s and St. Augustine’s. The children thoroughly enjoy participating in Mass and Liturgies in the beautiful and spiritual surroundings, led by our priest, Canon Peter Vellacott who plays an active part in the Catholic Life of the school.
After School Clubs
We are always looking at new and interesting ways to extend and enrich the learning in school. Across the school year, staff and volunteers provide a range of clubs which focus on developing skills, furthering knowledge and having fun.
Each term, children are allowed to sign up for at least one club. Clubs run from 3.15pm until 4.00pm. There is an expectation that children will remain in the same club for the term. This will enable them to fully participate in the activities and gain from the experience.
Clubs offered continues to grow and includes a range of team sports and multi-skills, choir, computing, crafts, gardening, cooking and reading. We also offer children the chance to learn to play musical instruments such as the recorder, piano and violin.
Wrap-around care
We offer childcare from 7.30am until 6pm every day. Based in our ‘Wellbeing Room’, we have created a “home from home” for the children called ‘Little Stars’. Children are served breakfast and a light tea in the evening; a range of activities are planned both indoors and outdoors, supported by our Sports Coach.