Welcome to PSHE at St Augustine’s

PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education at Saint Augustine’s enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of a society. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.

Through our teaching of PSHE, the promotion and development of interactions with all pupils will be crucial based on mutual respect, care, empathy, and warmth; avoiding negative emotions when interacting with pupils; being sensitive to individual needs, emotions, culture and beliefs of individuals.  Pupil-pupil relationships will be supported and characterised by respect, trust and co-operation through our school virtues.

Questioning will be crucial in developing positive dialogue and connected flexible thinking amongst learners. This will enable then to deeper understand their own ideas and those of others.

Children will be provided with opportunities for them to learn about Rights and Responsibilities, Protected Characteristics and British Values, and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society.

A key part of our plan for education is to ensure children become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and tolerance, regardless of background. This ensures young people understand the importance of being a valued member of society.

Click here for: PSHE Intent, Implementation and Impact Statements

Click here for: St Augustine’s PSHE Long Term Plan

Click  here for: PSHE Substantive Knowledge

Click here for: TenTen Protected Characteristics Guidance

RSE Curriculum

Further to our consultation regarding the new statutory curriculum subject, Relationship and Health Education, we are pleased to let you know that our school has decided to adopt the programme, Life to the Full, produced by the Catholic educational organisation, Ten Ten Resources.

The Life to the Full programme is based on the structure of ‘A Model Catholic RSE Curriculum’ by the Catholic Education Service. This model curriculum was highlighted as a work of good practice by the Department of Education so we therefore have confidence that the programme will be fit for purpose in supporting the growth and development of your child.

Life to the Full is much more than a series of lessons. It is an entire platform of creative resources that will engage, inform and inspire our children and, indeed, you as parents. This includes interactive video content, story-based activities, employing a wide range of teaching tools, original worship music and an accompanying programme of classroom prayers.

In addition there will be an online parent platform so that you, as parent and carers, can engage with the teaching and deepen the experience for your child. To access the online parent platform please visit:

School Username: st-augustines-pe9

School Password: hippo-grey

Please click here for a short document that will help too give you an overview of the structure and content of the programme.

Life to the Full is intended to be partnership between home, school and church. We know that you already do a fantastic job and we see our new programme, Life to the Full, as a means to further develop, support and enrich the partnership between home, school and church so that your child is fully supported.

For further information please click here.

Relationships and Sex Education Consultation

During the academic year 2020-21, it was a statutory requirement that all schools in England and Wales teach Relationships and Health Education as a fundamental part of the curriculum.

As part of implementing the RSE curriculum, schools had to consult staff, parents, pupils and governors to ensure there was a general consensus on our approaches to policy and the curriculum content.

The St. Augustine’s CVA consultation ran between 22nd February -15th March 2021. This period ensured that all stakeholders had time to read, understand and send their viewpoints for a full consultation. The letter sent to parents can be found here:

 St. Augustine’s consultation letter to parents

The two documents that we asked you to read are:

St. Augustine’s RSE Policy

RSE Curriculum Outline 

Information booklet for parents