Our Chaplaincy Team is made up of 2 members from each year group, who have been elected by their class.
‘Future Saints’ Chaplaincy Team
The Chaplaincy team play a vital role in enhancing and promoting the school virtues and Gospel values alongside our faith to pupils, staff and the wider community. All of our chaplains take joy in carrying out their responsibilities. ‘Future Saints’ meet weekly with our school Chaplain to review the action plan they helped to write and consider different ways in which they are strengthening mission, deepening prayer and enabling communion.
The Chaplaincy Team Aims:
· To help the school to grow as a community of faith.
· To encourage the pupils to live their faith in daily living.
· To support Liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school.
· To embody missionary discipleship through our faith in action outreach projects.
· To continue to develop strong links with the Parish.
· To support the school in its Mission Statement and virtues.
This will establish deep rooted and uncompromising attributes that will permeate through our local community and beyond to create intercultural understanding and respect
‘Laudato Si’ Team
‘Laudato Si’ (Praise be to You) is a Papal encyclical that focuses on ‘care for our common home’. Our Laudato Si Team is a special kind of council made up of one elected pupil from each class, designed to enable the school to help the environment. The team meet fortnightly with their staff lead, to discuss and plan how to improve both the school environment and that of the wider world. The Eco-team members feedback the key highlights of their meetings in their classrooms to keep everyone informed of their plans.
Trust Chaplaincy
In addition to our own Chaplaincy Team, we are also privileged to be able to use the resources and support of our Trust Chaplaincy Team: